is an add-on utility for TimeTrack. This utility allows
home health agencies to Add, Print, Track and Post the MD-Orders.
This utility offers the home health agency the following
to Enter the MD-Orders on the Word Processor Like editor
screen. The user has access to a table of pre-entered
MD-Orders text.
to Print MD-Orders in a presentable format that can
be mailed or faxed to the Physician for signature.
The printout has the company Title and Address and a
place for the Physician signature.
to enter each discipline's visit frequency (such as
SN 3WK9). As the TimeTrack user enters visits
into the Visit screen, the system will keep auditing
the number of visits entered for this discipline during
the service week, and the system will alert the user
that the visit frequency has exceeded.
to Post Signed MD-Orders in a table like screen that
captures all the outstanding MD-Orders
Ability to print a list
of outstanding orders that
will list the Patient Name, Physician Name, Date Sent,
and type of orders sent (Phone Orders, 485)