- Payer
Ledger: Track different payers that are going to
be billed on an ongoing basis such as: Medicare, Medicaid, and
insurance companies, along with their corresponding billing rates
and billing codes.
- Doctor
Ledger: Build and maintain key information
pertaining to physicians that your agency will be working
with on regular basis.
- Employee
Ledger: Track your employees' information
including demographics, disciplines, payroll rates, credentials
and licenses renewal dates, and scheduling preferences.
TimeTrack® generates & prints
a tickler report ( Employee
Dues Report ) listing all employees that need a renewal
of a license and any other time sensitive certification
or requirement.
- Patient
Intake, Track your agency's patient referrals,
including the referral date, source, and eligibility check
results. TimeTrack® also offers
you a Referral
Report which lists each referral source and their corresponding
- Patient
Ledger: Track admitted patient information,
including patient demographics, Start of Care date, Payer
information (up to 3 payers), Disciplines (SN, PT, etc.),
reminders such as recertification dates, Plan of treatment
receipt, team conferences, and supervisory visits. Using
this screen, you can discharge patients & print the
Discharge Summary
, which is generated
: Post, maintain, and track the different Oasis surveys.
Includes built-in quality assurance measures that comply
with the state error-checking system and ensure acceptance
of submitted oasis surveys.
- MD
Orders (ChartTrack): Track different disciplines
along with corresponding frequencies such as SN 3WK9.
During visit data entry, TimeTrack®
uses the prescribed orders entered on this screen to ensure
compliance. TimeTrack® offers
users the ability to print a Patient
Dues (or Outstanding
Orders) report which will list patients with outstanding
MD Orders.
- Scheduling:
Fully integrated with billing functions to ensure that only
eligible services are scheduled.
- Visits:
Users log the different visits as they are performed in
the field. TimeTrack® uses entries
in this screen to perform the Billing, Payroll, and Reporting
- Supplies:
This screen allows users to enter, maintain, and track the
supplies rendered to patients. Later you can print a report
of all supplies
- Remittance
(optional module): this screen allows users to enter, maintain,
and track the Remittance Advice paid against the invoices
generated from TimeTrack®.
This screen comes as part of the Accounts
Receivable module.
- Service
(optional module): This screen allows users to enter, maintain,
and track the service orders required by specific payers
or insurance companies.
- Episodes:
An excellent management tool that shows a snapshot summary
of patients' episode information including pay amount, accumulated
cost, profit or loss, first and last billable visits dates,
HHRG Grouper & HIPPS code, as well as episode type such
as LUPA, PEP, Outliers, or SCIC. TimeTrack®
Automated PPS
module, will automatically manage this screen, without
user intervention.